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Acne treatment

Our Acne treatment is offered in Montreal and Laval by industry experts, with friendly service, medical quality standards and the most effective technology.
exfloliation facial new age montreal laval

anti-acne treatments that actually work

Embark on your journey to clear, healthy skin with our comprehensive Anti-Acne Treatment at New Age Spa. Tailored to address the unique challenges of individuals battling acne, our personalized treatment plans are a fusion of deep cleansing treatments, chemical exfoliation peels, and a microneedling package. Designed to clear existing acne, reduce future breakouts, and prevent recurrences, our approach tackles everything from cystic acne to pigmentation, scars, and pore damage. Recognizing the need for affordability, we've structured this treatment to be budget-friendly through package deals, making effective care accessible.

proven methods to reduce acne

For those dealing with persistent acne, the impact isn't just skin deep. Acne can significantly affect one’s confidence and leave behind scars and pigmentation that alter the skin's texture and tone. Our treatment starts with deep cleansing to rid the skin of impurities, excess oil, and dead skin cells—key in preventing new acne. This is followed by targeted chemical peels that peel away the layers of the skin affected by acne and scars, promoting a smooth, even skin tone.


addressing the secondary effects of acne

The journey doesn’t stop with just treating acne. Our specialized microneedling package not only helps reduce acne scars but also enhances overall skin texture. By creating tiny microchannels in the skin, microneedling allows for deeper absorption of acne-fighting serums, boosting the skin’s natural healing and rejuvenation processes. Expect clearer skin, reduced breakouts, and a minimized risk of future acne, resulting in smoother, more even-toned skin and improved overall skin health.


Understanding the economic considerations that often accompany acne treatment, our package deals are designed to ensure that clients can access the necessary care without financial strain. Enjoy significant savings of 20% when you purchase a package of three facials compared to individual treatment sessions. Consistency is key to achieving optimal results. By committing to a series of treatments, you'll experience enhanced skin rejuvenation and long-lasting improvements in texture and tone.



A deep cleaning facial treatment with extractions that reduces congestion, acne or blackheads and clarifies the skin.



An exfoliating treatment that uses Salicylic acid, AHA, and vitamin C to reduce acne or blemishes and provide a brighter even complexion.



deep-reaching treatment used with vitamin B3 to restore collagen in the skin and heal common conditions such as acne scars and deep pigmentation.

PURCHASE A PACKAGE AND SAVE 20% OFF the regular price

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Q: How long before I can see results from the Anti-Acne Treatment plan? A: Results vary based on individual skin conditions and the severity of acne. Many clients notice improvements within a few weeks of beginning the treatment plan. However, significant changes, especially for scar and pigmentation correction, may take a longer duration, often several months of consistent treatment.

Q: Are there any side effects associated with these treatments? A: Minor side effects such as temporary redness, peeling, or sensitivity may occur, particularly after chemical peels and microneedling. These side effects are generally short-lived and are a part of the skin’s natural healing process. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to minimize discomfort and enhance the healing process.

Q: How can I maintain the results of the Anti-Acne Treatment plan? A: Maintaining the results involves adhering to a tailored skincare regimen, which includes using the right cleansers, moisturizers, and sun protection. Regular follow-up treatments as recommended by our specialists are also crucial. Additionally, lifestyle adjustments such as maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress effectively, and avoiding acne triggers can significantly influence acne.

Q: Is this treatment suitable for all types of acne? A: Yes, our Anti-Acne Treatment plan is effective for various types of acne, from mild to severe, and is customized to address the specific needs and conditions of your skin. Whether you are dealing with cystic acne, whiteheads, blackheads, or hormonal breakouts, our treatments can be tailored to achieve the best results.

Q: What makes your acne treatment plans effective? A: Our treatment plans are effective because they are comprehensive and personalized. We start with an in-depth skin assessment to understand the specific type and cause of your acne. From there, we combine proven clinical treatments with a personalized home care regimen. Our approach is not just to treat acne but to address the underlying factors contributing to skin problems.

Q: Can changes in diet really help with acne? A: Yes, diet can play a significant role in managing acne. Foods high in sugar and dairy products can trigger acne in some people. We recommend a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health.

Q: What should I do if I experience a severe acne flare-up during the treatment? A: If you experience a severe flare-up during the treatment, it’s important to consult with us as soon as possible. We might adjust your treatment regimen or prescribe medication to help manage the flare-up effectively. Avoid picking or squeezing pimples, as this can worsen acne and lead to scars.

Q: How often should I come in for treatment sessions? A: The frequency of treatment sessions depends on the severity of your acne and the specific treatments being used. Generally, treatments like chemical peels or microneedling are performed every 4-6 weeks. During your consultation, we’ll provide a customized treatment schedule that best meets your needs.

Q: Are your acne treatments covered by insurance? A: Acne treatments are often considered cosmetic and not typically covered by insurance. However, some health plans may cover treatments if deemed medically necessary. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to see if any aspects of the treatment can be covered.

Q: Can I wear makeup after acne treatments? A: We recommend avoiding makeup immediately after certain acne treatments, especially those that involve exfoliation or microneedling. Once your skin has healed adequately, you can resume using makeup. We can recommend non-comedogenic and oil-free products that won’t clog pores or interfere with your treatment results.

Additional Information and Pre-Post Care Instructions

Before Treatment:

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure: Refrain from excessive sun exposure and tanning beds for at least one week before your appointment. Sunburned or tanned skin can increase the risk of complications and discomfort during the procedure.

  2. Discontinue Certain Products: Stop using retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and other exfoliating skincare products for a few days before your treatment. These products can increase skin sensitivity and irritation.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Ensure that your skin is well-hydrated leading up to your appointment. Drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin regularly to maintain optimal hydration levels.

After Treatment:

  1. Apply Soothing Products: Use gentle, non-irritating skincare products recommended by your skincare professional to soothe and hydrate your skin post-treatment. Avoid products containing harsh ingredients or fragrances that may exacerbate sensitivity.

  2. Protect Your Skin: Shield your skin from direct sun exposure by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunscreen helps prevent sunburn and minimizes the risk of hyperpigmentation, especially during the initial healing phase.

  3. Avoid Harsh Treatments: Refrain from using abrasive scrubs, exfoliants, or harsh skincare treatments for at least one week following. These products can disrupt the skin’s healing process and increase the risk of irritation.

  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin regularly to maintain hydration and support the healing process. Hydrated skin promotes faster recovery and enhances the results.

  5. Follow Post-Treatment Instructions: Adhere to any specific post-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional. This may include avoiding certain activities, skincare products, or medications that could interfere with the healing process.

  6. Be Patient: Results may take time to become noticeable as the skin undergoes the natural healing and regeneration process. Be patient and consistent with your skincare routine to achieve optimal results over time.

Why choose new age SPA

At New Age Spa, our ethos is built on honesty, quality service, and results-driven treatments. Our dedication to maintaining industry-leading hygiene standards, alongside offering a diverse array of effective treatments and personalized client care, distinguishes us in the skincare domain.